Stroke Rehabilitation Program

Senior woman walking being helped by female nurse
At Amberwood Care Centre, our Stroke Rehabilitation Program takes place in a variety of settings depending on the severity of stroke and the recovery phase of the patient. After a stroke we recognize that timing is crucial, so our goal is to get your rehabilitation started as soon as possible and continue to support you throughout your entire journey. We offer several innovative programs and technologies to empower you to achieve your highest level of recovery and improve your quality of life.

Expert Stroke Team

Depending on where you are in your recovery process and what your needs are, the members of your individualized stroke team may vary. Regardless of who is involved, our team members will work closely together throughout your stroke rehabilitation to ensure your needs are met. Our team is constantly communicating through meetings, huddles, and emails to ensure you receive the best and most cohesive care possible.

Rehabilitation Nurses

Our nurses work closely with all of our patients, their families, and their caregivers soon after the onset of a stroke in order to restore patients’ freedom and independence. Our nurses collaborate closely with an interdisciplinary team to help patients and their families develop and work towards goals that maximize recovery. Our nurses are highly trained to safely handle all patients regardless of their impairments, working closely as a part of the interdisciplinary team to train family and caregivers.

Physical Therapists

Our physical therapists work closely with all of our patients, their families, and their caregivers in all rehabilitation settings to establish goals and provide therapy plans. Regardless of the setting, our physical therapists always begin with a thorough neurological evaluation that assesses the patient’s neurological impairments, their function, and their current level of participation in everyday life. Based on the evaluation, our therapists then create an individualized treatment plan for patients in order to help them achieve their goals and get back to their life.

  • Intense physical therapy and occupation therapy 7 days a week
  • All patients evaluated within 24 hours of admission
  • Certified in Vital Stimulation and Dysphasia

Occupational Therapists

Our team of occupational therapists provide comprehensive and holistic treatment to individuals following a stroke. Our occupational therapists perform extensive evaluations to gather information related to an individual’s routine, roles, and daily occupations, or the typical activities that an individual engages in every day. Additionally, our occupational therapists may provide specialized education on stroke recovery, introduce adaptive equipment and technology, or discuss alternative methods for completing tasks to further increase a patient’s independence and quality of life following a stroke.